This module was a great start to gaining a better understanding on multimedia principles and the theories associated with it. I had fun creating a screencasting video of my own, using the Chrome application Screencasetify, something that I was unfamiliar with previously. It allowed me to have a new experience in my learning, and even though I came across technology struggles I was able to power through with positives outcomes. The video I made shared how to use the website Canva, a popular tool for creating different types of design.

Mayers Principles of Multimedia Learning

The principle that I found interesting to learn about is the coherence principle. I feel like there is always a notion to only include important information in your work, yet I didn’t realize there was a proper name for it. I find when given freedom to create a piece of work without any limits I tend to go overboard with it, yet when given a limit I become more aware. it made me think about what I was doing when I created my screencast as I tried to keep on track. I also believe that the modality principle was an intuitive on. Simply describing it as “showing the words” instead of “saying the words” made me realize that the signalling principle always needs to be added with another principle. It was interesting to understand this in a stronger way.

Learning of these principles made me realize that I have used them in my everyday life previously. The signalling principle is one that I have used previously when presenting assignments. I am a visual learner and using my hands/mouse when signalling in a presentation is a big part of a project. It keeps both myself and the audience in check of where we are at in the learning. I found I do not use the pre-training principle as much as I wish to. Incorporating all of the principles equally in my work is going to allow for the best outcome in my future project and work in multimedia, something that I will keep in mind going forward!

Screencast Video

I imagined the target audience for my screencast video would be students, high school age and above. I focused on the infographic teaching as that is a useful tool during school, in all types of courses not just the health courses as I mentioned in the video. I highlighted the usage of collaborative white boards, presentations and documents as well so that those watching are able to view the other features as well. In the quick example I chose mental health for the topic as it is well known and recently had my roommate ask for help making an infographic in that subject, so knew it would be useful for others to see all the options. I kept the signalling principle in mind when creating this, as seen in the usage of my pointing of the mouse. I believe that I struggled to incorporate the redundancy principle as i tend to repeat my words often, something that I have always been trying to work on. Attached below is the link to my screencast!